팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.


  1. Q What are the benefits of coating on the vehicle?

    A simple example of the meaning of a coating is the same as the principle of placing a glass or protective film on a table to protect the table surface when we purchase a new table.
    Protected by a glass or protective film, the desk protects the surface from scratches and scratches, so it can be used like a new desk for a long time, looks classy and can be cleaned easily if it gets dirty.

    For this reason, if you cover a protective film or glass on your car, the surface of the car will be protected from scratches and you will be able to keep its brilliance for a long time and you also will be able to wash easily and simply.

    In order to get the best results of the coating, the surface should be clean, free from scratches and free from any damage, so that it is best to coat it on a new clean car.
    When coating on a used car, you must remove any scratches or foreign objects on it to make it look like a new car too.
    If you coat it without doing them off, they will be seen through that layer of coating and it will become even more difficult to repair.
    These surface repair works are called paint work, polish work, removing contaminants work.
    These repairs are costly and it is difficult for the general public to do. It is best to have the coating done immediately, or at least within 3 months, when purchasing a new car.
  2. Q How is it different from conventional glass coatings or waxes?

    저희 에이쿼츠 코팅제는 기존의 유리막코팅제의 단점을 보완하고 발전시키기 위해,

    세계최초로 나노기술을 이용하여 나노미터 티타늄을 첨가한 새로운 포물라를 개발하여 코팅제에 채택하였습니다.

    티타늄 코팅제는 빠르고 쉽게 코팅할 수 있는 진정한 무기질 코팅의 효과를 내며 바쁜 일상에 맞춰 스스로 차량관리 할 수 있도록 개발 되었습니다.

    기존의 허접한 물왁스가 아닌 코팅제로 기존의 유리막코팅이나 왁스 등을 대체할 수 진정한 차세대의 나노 코팅제입니다.

    세차 후 뿌리고 문지르기만 하면 되는 간단하고 쉬운 시공으로 전문가처럼 거울 같은 높은 실크광택을 낼 수 있으며 놀라운 슬립성과 발수력을 경험 하실 수 있습니다.

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